# Console Commands

Go to next story node

Go to previous story node

Terminate script play

Block script from proceeding to other statements

Unblock script to proceed to other statements

Go to given story node by index.

Index: positive integer. (0 if empty)
qsc.Play 72

Play given story node by label.

LabelName: string
qsc.PlayByLabel MyLabelName

Set the value of a variable.

Name: string
LabelName: string
qsc.Var counter 10

Delete a variable.

Variable: string
qsc.Del counter

Evaluate a Quillscript expression.

Expression: string
qsc.Eval ( 10 + 2 ) * 5 / 2

Ignore all conditions set by script.

Stop ignoring conditions set by script.

Toggle Quillscript's debugger widget.