Labels and Routers can be used to create common code loops like a while, for and for each loop.
Below we list a few examples to base your own script code and story loops.
The following loop runs 10 times before continuing the story flow.
$ :i = 0
@ MyForLoop | ? {:i} < 10
- .
Index: {:i}
$ :i += 1
-> MyForLoop
The following loop runs until the custom function $ MyEscapeFunction changes the value of the temporary variable :flag to on.
$ :flag = off
@ MyWhileLoop | ? {:flag} == off
// This function changes the value of the 'flag' quillscript variable.
$ MyEscapeFunction
$ Wait 0.1 // Prevent an infinity loop from locking the frame
-> MyWhileLoop
For Each
The following loop shows the value of all elements in an array.
Array or Set
$ &Level.ArrayVar // Custom function: Store the Array in a variable called '$Array'
$ ^Quillscript.Tools.Length {$Array} // Custom function: Store the length in a variable called '$ReturnValue'
$ :i = 0
@ MyArrayForEachLoop | ? {:i} < {$ReturnValue}
- .
Array Value: <b>{$Array::{:i}}</>
$ :i += 1
-> MyArrayForEachLoop
The following loop shows the key-value pair of all elements in a map.
$ MyMapVar // Custom function: Store the Map in a variable called '$Map'
$ MyMapKeys // Custom function: Store the Map keys in a variable called '$Keys'
$ ^Quillscript.Tools.Length {$Map} // Store the length in a variable called '$ReturnValue'
$ :i = 0
@ MyMapForEachLoop | ? {:i} < {$ReturnValue}
- .
Map Key-Value Pair: <b>{$Keys::{:i}} = {$Map::{$Keys::{:i}}}</>
$ :i += 1
-> MyMapForEachLoop