# Template

Templates are a specific type of covert labels that receive entry arguments. A variable is created for each argument and exists until a new label statement is played.

This can reduce repetitive lines and play specific sections of a story that need entry parameters.

  • Since templates are also covert labels, they can be declared using either @ or <@>
  • After naming the label, enumerate a list of arguments between parentheses, and separate by commas
  • Template argument variables start with @
  • On the router statement, pass the values for each argument in the same order.
@ Id (name, surname, job)

  - {@name} {@surname}
    I'm the {@job}.

@ Start

  - Guard
    Identify yourselves.

  $ family = Wilson

  <-> Id (Oliver, {family}, tailor)
  <-> Id (Amelia, {family}, merchant)

  - Guard
    All right. You can come in.

# Template as Instruction

A label instruction can also be a template. In this case, the statement only plays if directly called by a router, since it becomes a covert statement.

Template variables are created for this statement play and deleted on the following statement play.

-> Intro (name, sentence)

- {@name} | @Intro (John, Tell him to move on.)